Towards a knowledge economy on the back of social progress

Kerala should not shy away from presenting before the whole world its unique features, including its eclectic culture and its immense resilience to absorb changes and move forward. File.
| Photo Credit: S Mahinsha
Kerala is celebrating its 68th State-formation day on November 1, at a time when the State is on the cusp of a profound transformation into a knowledge society and an economy based on values of sustainability and inclusivity.
This transition is firmly rooted in the social, cultural and economic ethos that marked the evolution of a democratic, secular, and aspirational society, the Nava Keralam.
Where Kerala stands now is the result of relentless struggles spearheaded by pioneers of the reform movement to radically revamp society based on renaissance values of human dignity and social, economic, and gender justice.
So, we take this as the right moment to celebrate what we have achieved, showcase our excellence before the whole world and introspect about what more needs to be done for a secure future in a world impacted by sweeping disruptions and challenges.
What better medium to express this than a grand Festival of Excellence? This is why we planned to celebrate the State formation anniversary on a mega scale this year by organising Keraleeyam-2023 in the State capital, starting from November 1.
Considering its accomplishments, Kerala should not shy away from presenting before the whole world its unique features, including its eclectic culture and its immense resilience to absorb changes and move forward.
This is especially important when there have been concerted efforts to tarnish Kerala’s image, which is deeply offensive to every Keralite. We have to counter this false narrative by showcasing the true Kerala story on a global stage.
Kerala’s achievements in total literacy, universal education, public health care, other key socio-economic indices, gender parity, and creating sustainable models of development compare well with those of the most advanced societies.
Unity of the people is the most critical component of this outstanding journey, which came to be acknowledged the world over as the Kerala Model. What makes this model unique is its emphasis on inclusivity based on a vision that the fruits of economic progress should reach every citizen, irrespective of gender, religion, caste or politics.
A firm foundation to transform Kerala society along these lines was laid by the State’s first Communist government headed by E.M.S. Namboodiripad that came to power in 1957. Though that government was dismissed prematurely on flimsy grounds, it ushered in a new era of change through its pathbreaking initiatives in critical areas like land reforms. The momentum set in motion by that government has been sustained over the decades, especially by the Left-led governments that came to power since then.
More recently, Kerala has firmly marked itself as a highly promising investment destination, enjoying a high ease of doing business ranking among the Indian States.
The whole gamut of administration has been digitised. The State is poised to position itself as a global experiential tourism hub. We have one of the world’s best and most flourishing start-up ecosystems. Our MSME sector is set to become a major driver of the economy and society.
The State is set to make a significant shift in other diverse socio-cultural domains. This profound transition has not been simply conjured up from thin air. These achievements are the result of a firm political will on the part of the government, far-sighted policy initiatives and their meticulous implementation, and, above all, the support of the people for all good initiatives.
Kerala has an excellent capacity to further develop. It needs to consolidate and reinforce the assets it gained and reinforce its capacity to absorb investments in domains of cutting-edge technologies and promote innovation and sustainability in socially impactful enterprises.
Apart from the government initiatives, experiences, insights and perspectives of domain leaders are important in this process. The government is open to new ideas, which is vital for the further development of society and economy.
What marks the present Kerala is a deep sense of Keralaness that unites all Keralites. Keralaness has always been an integral facet of Indianness. It is time to enlighten the world about its significance, which is one of the aims of Keraleeyam.
There is no need to mention that the Malayali community extends far beyond the borders of Kerala. This even gave the concept of ‘Loka Malayali’ — World Malayali. The support and vision of the Malayali diaspora have contributed significantly to the development of their home state.
Keraleeyam will comprehensively unveil the State’s past and present in multiple venues stretching from the historic East Fort to Kowdiar in the State capital.
This is for the first time that a festival of this magnitude offering vivid glimpses into the past, takes a critical look at the present and lays down the roadmap for the future has been planned.
In the next seven days, the city will be bustling with enthusiasm as over 3,000 artistes representing ethnic, classical, and folk traditions perform in 41 venues. Also, 25 exhibitions and fairs featuring the State’s diverse culture and investment opportunities and as many as 25 seminars on live themes have been planned to make the festival a complete experience.
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