Maharashtra’s ‘NEP Connect’ to empower education

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Maharashtra’s ‘NEP Connect’ to empower education

To enhance the gross enrolment ratio in colleges and disseminate information on the positive impacts of implementing the National Education Policy-2020, the state government has initiated the ‘School Connect’ (NEP Connect) communication campaign for implementation at all non-agricultural universities in the state. The campaign, education officials say, aims to guide students and parents on various initiatives and changes in the education system under NEP in detail.

The government resolution (GR) has instructed all state universities to establish a committee led by their respective pro-vice-chancellors to supervise the execution of the campaign. Laying down a detailed plan, a government resolution dated January 5 stated, “A workshop to initiate a school connect campaign should be conducted. As part of the preparation of the programme. The initiative should be implemented through the Internal Quality Assurance Cell  (IQAC) within the university. The campaign should be implemented from January 15 to 31. For this, a coordination committee should be established at the university level which will be headed by the pro-vice-chancellor; other members would include members of IQAC, principals of affiliated senior colleges, principals of junior colleges attached to schools. More importantly, student representatives should be included in the committee.”

The Friday GR emphasised the significant impact of upcoming curriculum changes on Std XII students enrolling in degree colleges next year. It also highlighted the concern of students discontinuing education after junior college.

“School Connect at all non-agricultural university levels was under consideration, and a GR directing all state universities (non-agricultural) has been issued for the same,” said a senior official from the Maharashtra higher and technical education (MHTE) department. The universities in the state have also been asked to prepare a list of frequently asked questions and guide the students and their parents accordingly.

Some of the goals of the School Connect (NEP Connect) 

. Guide students and parents on the student-centric changes introduced by the National Education Policy-2020 and their advantageous effects.
. Provide detailed information about experiential, multidisciplinary, and flexible courses developed by universities.
. Offer specifics on creative, professional and skill-based courses, including their respective addresses.

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