DRISP Director Prasun Prakash Calls upon Russian and Indian Businesses for Deeper Trade Ties
The Center for the Development of Russia-India Strategic Partnership (DRISP) with headquarters in Moscow and New-Delhi has emphasized upon the need for Russian and Indian businesses to work closer for rapid economic transformation of their respective countries. DRISP’s Director, Prasun Prakash shared in a comprehensive interview with prominent Russian news portal *“Big Asia” his ambitious plans to foster stronger economic relationships between the two countries through building strategic partnerships between their business houses. The interview was taken by Nikolai Kuznetsov, International projects producer at “Big Asia”.
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Prasun Prakash, Director, Center for the Development of Russia-India Strategic Partnership (DRISP)
“Despite the prevailing geo-political tensions in the world today, leaders of both Russia and India have regularly stressed on the importance of enhancing the existing economic cooperation and executing large scale mutually beneficial projects,” emphasises Prasun Prakash.
Prasun Prakash firmly believes that the meeting between Russian President, Mr. Vladimir Putin and the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Heads of State Summit, and the Russia-India business dialogue on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum were the crucial highlights of 2022.
The reason for Prasun Prakash’s optimism is the fact that amongst the government representatives of both India and Russia, there is a growing acknowledgment of the upcoming trade opportunities that have come to the forefront against the backdrop of recent geopolitical developments.
“For decades India and Russia have stood together shoulder to shoulder and the relationship has only gotten stronger over the years. Even today, under tremendous pressure due to the fast-evolving geo-political scenario, the Indo-Russian relationship stands strong because of the inherent mutual trust,” says Prasun Prakash.
Among the questions answered by Prasun Prakash in this interview, many interesting topics were covered including the sectors of the economy that will be in focus and how business in either country can realize its hidden potential considering the history and the evolving dynamics of the Indo-Russia relationship in view of the latest geo-political trends.
Some of the other key points covered in the interview by Prasun Prakash during the interview included:
The volume of trade between the two strategic partners is projected to be on a steady rise. -
The reason for this is going to be the diversification of the export-import positions. -
Cooperation in new sectors like IT, logistics, healthcare, and education. -
Rise in the quantity of yearly delegations which will prove to be crucial. -
Indian lifestyle brands have huge potential in Russia.
Prasun Prakash also talked about the recent visit of the Russian delegation to New-Delhi in December 2022, which was led by Mr. Cheryomin who heads the department of international affairs of the Moscow state government which he characterized as fruitful and mutually beneficial for both countries.
About Center for the Development of Russia-India Strategic Partnership (DRISP)
DRISP is a business consulting firm that specialises in the Russian and Indian markets. It offers a plethora of solutions and services that include, but are not limited to, Comprehensive strategy development and market analysis, Legal, cultural and lingual support, Handling negotiations with Russian counterparts, Public affairs and liaison, Providing financial and consultancy services, Administering logistics and customs, Effectively engaging with the various media, Business trips to Russia, Organizing business conferences and exhibitions. Over the years, DRISP has developed expertise into the following industries – Agriculture, Forestry, Processing of raw materials, Precious stones, Minerals, Heavy industry, Construction, Manufacturing equipment, Energy production, IT, Communications, Logistics, Education, Tourism, Healthcare, Legal and financial services.
For more information, please log on to drispcenter.com/ind-rus.
*About Big Asia
“Big Asia” TV сhannel and the bigasia.ru website are a Russian media platform that provides the audience with positive information about the main events in Asian countries and tells about the history, culture and traditions of Asian countries. “Big Asia” website is an independent mass media providing the audience with worldwide access to all the content of the media project. The website’s editorial staff compiles its own news line, creates specialized content and promotes the subject of Russian-Asian cooperation on the Internet, including on all popular social networks.
#DRISP #Director #Prasun #Prakash #Calls #Russian #Indian #Businesses #Deeper #Trade #Ties